LINKS - the following are included in case they may of interest. There is no connection between the Society and any of these sites, so no responsibility taken:
The Model Railway Club has a wonderful list of clubs and sites; - a great site for Welsh NG and links to even more sites!
Our antipedian friend - Stacey Baker - visit the White Flower Valley Railway at
and follow the epic world travels of Mini Stac and Mini Al at
The Model Railway Club has a wonderful list of clubs and sites; - a great site for Welsh NG and links to even more sites!
Our antipedian friend - Stacey Baker - visit the White Flower Valley Railway at
and follow the epic world travels of Mini Stac and Mini Al at
The Industrial Railway Society;
founded in 1949; a leading organization in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of all aspects, and all gauges, of privately owned industrial railways and locomotives, both at home and overseas.
G Scale Society:
modelling of narrow gauge railways on track 45mm wide, representing continental metre gauge in the scale of 1:22.5, also 3 foot gauge to the scale 1:20.3; Standard gauge of 4 foot 8 ½ inch between running lines is represented by a scale of 1:29.
Marc Horovitz
Sidestreet Bannerworks began life in USA 1976, when we opened a graphic-design studio. The company specialized in architectural graphics in textiles -- banners (hence the odd company name).
Purveyor of garden railways stateside and editor of Garden Railways magazine by Kalmbach Publishing Company
16mm Association
home for all those interested in the running of model Narrow Gauge trains of a suitable size and scale for use outdoors, running on tracks of 32mm or 45mm gauge (Gauge 0 and Gauge 1) with live steam and battery powered locomotives.
Narrow Gauge Railway Society
Formed in 1951, a large international society with interest in narrow gauge and miniature railways with an international outlook.
SE 7/8th Lounge
Forum group in 7/8ths scale
Roy C. Link
Model-maker extraordinaire, kits and publications.
7mm Narrow Gauge Association